Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Say hello to spot

Sorry for not blogging for a while been busy with work, wedding stuff for my sister and changing computers.
So still busy crocheting I picked up this brilliant set in Hobby Craft to crochet a giraffe.
The kit was brilliant can with full clear instructions, a crochet hook, large plastic needle and more than enough wool and stuffing.

 I got cracking on him, you make four individual legs first and sew them together you then crochet the rest of the body and neck on to them stuff as you go along.

The head is then made and stuffed and the ears and horns made separately and sewn on before the head is attached to the neck .

And here is the finished chap we called him spot.

Since making spot I've also created another giraffe in DK cotton in yellow, brown ,white and green stripes for my sister. I found the cotton makes him abit stiffer which helps with the standing up.

Hoping to create more of these in different colors to have on craft stalls at events.

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